按下 Donate by credit card, 一路點到country 欄, 看到"Taiwan, Province of China" 就覺得不舒服,
話說捐錢只有一個原則: "切勿做不樂之捐", 想想這個不改掉以前, 我很難甘願把信用卡號碼填上去.
當下寫了封鳥鳥的破英文去反應, 過了三天, Yeah! 有回應喔.
From: Wikimedia Donations <donate@wikimedia.org>
Date: 2009/12/8
Subject: Re: [Ticket#2009120310011425] about the country name in donation page
To: Tim Wu <changtimwu@gmail.com>
Dear Tim,
Thank you for your email and for letting us know about this issue. We are
definitely working on resolving it. I've already requested that it be changed from
"Taiwan, Province of China" to simply "Taiwan." Thanks again for your support.
12/03/2009 05:09 - Tim Wu wrote:
> I was glad to have the chance to contribute Wikipedia. After filled up
> every field on this donation
> *Taiwan, Province of China*
> I'm not going to involve any politics arguments. I'd say most people in
> Taiwan don't feel good on their country being called in this name.
> Can you adjust the option into our official name?
> *Taiwan, Republic of China
> *
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